International Association for Continuing Engineering Education
News Items - Intl Assn for Continuing Engineering Education
IACEE to Present at UPCEA Summit for Online Leadership Special Rate Offered to IACEE Members. The UPCEA Summit for Online Leadership (SOL) takes place in Washington, D.C. from June 27 to 29, 2016. The goal of this event is to bring CE leaders in online learning together for strategy development. IACEE has partnered with the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) to provide an engineering focus and will lead a session at the summit entitled, “The Role of STEM and Engineering Teams in Leading Online Initiatives.” The session will feature several speakers from IACEE. IACEE members qualify for a discounted rate to attend this event. To sign up and access the special rate, please visit this custom-made IACEE member registration page and complete your registration. The UPCEA Summit for Online Leadership (SOL) takes place in Washington, D.C. from June 27 to 29, 2016. The goal of this event is to bring CE leaders in online learning together for strategy development. IACEE has partnered with the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) to provide an engineering focus and will lead a session at the summit entitled, “The Role of STEM and Engineering Teams in Leading Online Initiatives.” The session will feature several speakers from IACEE. IACEE members qualify for a discounted rate to attend this event. To sign up and access the special rate, please visit this custom-made IACEE member registration page and complete your registration. Published: 05/25/16 |